Linear Albegra Lecture 2 - Elimination with matrices
Linear Equations vs line and pland vs vectors.
Solve a system of equations with the method of elimination
I’ll do a subtraction. First of all this is the key number that I’m starting with. And that’s called the pivot.
Step 2
We found three pivots, and by the way, I didn’t say this, pivots can’t be 0. I don’t accept 0 as a pivot.
How could this have failed?
Element 1,1 could zero, then swap the row.
Element 2,2 be 6 could be trouble.
Element 3,3 be -4 coould be trouble.
Matrix x Columns = columns
Rows x Matrix = rows
original link:
Substraction matrix:
Substracti 3 times row 1 from row 2:
即 -3 * [1 2 1] + 1 * [3 8 1]
Multiply on the left changes to rows.
Multiply on the right that changes swap the columns.